
Friday, July 21, 2006

Rob gives us Casper Madonna.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

It's Sophisticated Madonna with Evil Cat Army. Great Rob!

I can't name this one...can you? Damn!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Totally New Camel Toe Madonna...Damn! Them there's some HONKERS!

It's Basic Instinct Madonna from Rob in SF. Now this is totally awesome.

Monday, July 17, 2006

It's Gargoylishes Madonna.


Wednesday, July 12, 2006

It's Snail Madonna.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Phantom Madonna with Candy from the Opera.

It's Madonna Blank

We have Boozer-User-Loser Madonna from Rob in SF.

It's Whirling Dervish Madonna from Monkey Mitch.

Friday, July 07, 2006

It's SS Madonna from Mark of San Francisco.

Madonna defends Kabbalah
International pop-icon Madonna defends her interest in Kabbalah, rejects media descriptions of it as cult. Kabbalh's not hurting anybody, Madonna says

YnetNews, Israel/November 1, 2005

In an interview to the New York Daily News, pop singer and Kabbalah devotee Madonna defended her interest in the teachings of the Kabbalah, and said she was angry people found it to be so disturbing.

"It would be less controversial if I joined the Nazi Party," Madonna said.

Madonna's increasing pursuit of Kabbalah has inspired much hostility toward her, which the singer found hard to explain.

"'What do you mean you study the Torah if you're not Jewish?'" she asked rhetorically.

"'What do you mean you pray to God and wear sexy clothes? We don't understand this.' It frightens people. So they try to denigrate it or trivialize it so that it makes more sense," Madonna said.

"I find it very strange that it's so disturbing to people," she continued. "It's not hurting anybody."

It's Star Jones Before Madonna from Rob.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Monkey Mitch

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

It's Madonna Boone.